Here's What Other Coaches, Therapists, and Healers Have to Say

Here is what Imani Tutt has to say about the Thriving Practice Success School. 

Rachael Berezin
Cindy Hanson - Reiki Master

“Work with Rachael has been excellent. I would recommend her services as a Success and Abundance Coach without hesitation. Growing my Reiki & Energy Work practice has been exciting and profitable since working with Rachael. I began seeing her because I wanted to discover any blocks I had with regard to business development from the inside out. As a result, my overall purpose for my practice has become clearer and the stripping away of self-imposed limitations has been humbling and thrilling. I came with a safe, smaller vision of what I wanted and am developing a much larger one that is completely, and surprisingly, sustainable. Rachael is smart, compassionate and incredibly intuitive. Run, don't walk, to begin your work with her.

Reiki Master

Rachael Berezin
Mark Anthony - Owner Primo Health Solutions LLC

“My name is Mark Anthony and I own Primo Health Solutions, LLC in Brooklyn, NY. Rachael has helped me double my client load and double my income by helping me become more productive and confident. I get more done in less time which improves the bottom line. I would highly recommend Rachael to anyone wanting to improve anything in their life. ”

Owner Primo Health Solutions LLC

Rachael Berezin
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“I sought out coaching with Rachael as I was just launching my private psychotherapy practice. Coming from a hospital setting, I was worried about how I would find enough clients to support myself-- and Rachael has expertise in generating referrals. ”

Rachael Berezin
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“Rachael has helped me tremendously with all of the mechanics of running a private psychotherapy practice. She has advised me on how to market myself, how to develop referral streams, how to list myself on Psychology Today and more. She has saved me SO much time by getting to pick her brain about her expertise, instead of having to figure all of this stuff out on my own! When I first started with Rachael, I had 1 client and now I have 10 clients and get 1-2 new patient inquiries each week!”

Rachael Berezin
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“Because of my work with Rachael, I feel so much more confident about this new professional endeavor, knowing that I've always got someone I can reach out to for support. My favorite part about working with Rachael is that she seamlessly weaves together "internal" and "external work." She'll help me identify and overcome the inner obstacles I might be unconsciously carrying, in addition to helping me solve and address external issues.”

Rachael Berezin
 - Doubled my income in 6 Months!

“I went from making roughly $12,000/month to about $23,000/month with time off. This was in a matter of 6 months of working with Rachael. ”

Doubled my income in 6 Months!

  • Rachael Berezin

    “My favorite part about working with Rachael is that she seamlessly weaves together "internal" and "external work." She'll help me identify and overcome the inner obstacles I might be unconsciously carrying, in addition to helping me solve and address external issues.

    I’d highly recommend Rachael for any therapist, coach, or other client-based solo practitioner looking for success.”

  • Rachael Berezin

    “It's hard to trust that there are people out there that have a holistic and spiritual edge that matches mine, which is something that appeals to me both in clients and the people I surround myself with.

    I think during this time, especially, it's really helpful to have communities and a place to learn and grow as a therapist, so it was helpful and validating to get to work with Rachael in this way.

    I definitely have more clients now. I am making more money now. Because I have more clarity, I feel like it was worth the investment to even just gain that confidence, that things are starting to happen and that they are working in my favor.”

  • Rachael Berezin

    “I've said ‘no’ more often to prospective clients actually. I did this last week and then I definitely had a moment of like, ‘Was that a good idea?’ But then looking back, it wasn't the client that I was going to work with or that I would help. It wasn’t the right fit. So that's kind of an interesting new thing that's happening, and I have gotten more yeses too.”

  • Rachael Berezin

    “I went from making roughly $12,000/month to about $23,000/month with time off. This was in a matter of 6 months of working with Rachael. ”

IT coaching package success
Ray. new client
Abundant Practice Success School Banner Abundant Practice Success School

Abundant Practice Success School-The complete blueprint to transform your practice into a thriving business that you love.

“One of the biggest differences I found in working with Rachael , is my ability to have honest and thorough conversations with my clients regarding my fee and money in general. It has been quite common for me in the past to keep my rates "affordable" for my clients, and to avoid speaking about raising my rates. I am now confident in my conversations regarding my fees in that I know they reflect the value of my experience and training. During my work with Rachel, I also moved away from working with in-network clients ( where the rate of reimbursement was very low) to primarily out of network and out of pocket clients.

My rates doubled as I went from $100-$120 on average to $200-$250 on average per session which I am getting from at least 80 percent of my clients. I also reduced the amount of time I am working so that I could dedicate more time to self care and pursuing other ways in increasing my income per hour. Rachel also directed us to expand our clinical palette in new ways of working to increase income, such as doing group work or offering packages on services. I have done and will continue to offer group mindfulness workshops as one way to increase my annual income. This year I have done two workshops that brought in an additional $3000 for 6 hours of work. Another way I am currently exploring is to offer psychedelic assisted psychotherapy as an adjunct to my other modalities for which I can charge a significantly higher rate per hour and am working on developing a package structure to get more money for the time I put in.

I enjoyed the mindset group practice where tapping was introduced as a way of clearing negative beliefs about myself and limiting beliefs regarding abundance and money. I was able to address raising fees and general issues with self esteem and competence. Rachel helped me by clearing my fears around asking for money or believing in my worthiness of abundance and to see clearly that I am responsible in both attracting and growing my personal wealth and fulfillment in my professional life.

My biggest transformation from working with Rachel and the group is to identify my own core beliefs regarding running my business, to understand type of client I wanted to work with, how much time I wanted to dedicate to work vs self care and most importantly to believe in myself as the source of abundance in both income and clients.
As a result of this mindset I both attracted more high paying clients and have been getting inquires from clients that are more aligned with what I had to offer in my practice. ”

CHT Licensed Psychotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Holistic Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness Based Therapy, Stress Management.

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